
At Galedi, we are committed to providing our customers with the highest quality alteration services in London. We understand that on rare occasions, things may not go according to plan. This policy outlines the process for handling customer complaints and ensuring a fair and timely resolution.

Making a Complaint

  • Customers can submit complaints in person at our shop located at [Your Shop Address], by phone at 020 8259 6881 or by email at
  • We encourage complaints to be made within 7 days of receiving the altered garment.
  • When submitting a complaint, please provide your name, contact information, a detailed description of the issue, and any relevant receipts or photos.

Complaint Resolution Process

  1. Acknowledgement: We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 24 business hours.
  2. Investigation: We will investigate the complaint thoroughly, including reviewing the garment and speaking with the tailor involved.
  3. Resolution: We will offer a fair and reasonable resolution, which may include:
    • Re-doing the alteration to your satisfaction.
    • Offering a partial or full refund.
    • Providing a store credit.
  4. Communication: We will keep you informed of the progress of your complaint and communicate the final resolution within 5 business days of completing the investigation.

Unresolved Complaints

If you are not satisfied with our proposed resolution, you have the right to take your complaint to the Trading Standards department at your local council

Commitment to Improvement

We take all customer complaints seriously. We will use the feedback received to improve our services and prevent similar issues from occurring in the future.

Additional Information

  • This policy is subject to change without notice.
  • This policy does not affect your statutory rights as a consumer.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this policy or need assistance submitting a complaint, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 020 8259 6881 or